During our trip to LA, my friends somehow got to talking about their favorite Daddy Likey features (OK, OK, I require my friends to talk about this at least twice a day). During this discussion I found out that Lindsay doesn't really get Inadvertently Ask Daddy Likey, Rachel and Meg love fashion-blogging animals (Meg was a zoology major, after all), and most surprisingly and/or predictably, Scott is a big fan of Don't Show-cha Your Chocha. "Whenever I see that long line of chocha pictures," he said, smiling and clapping with glee, "Aaaahhhh!!!"
For Scott, and anyone else who is clapping and saying "Aaahhhh!!!" right now, I present the latest installment of DSYC (new around these parts? wow that sounds dirty in this context, but anyway, click here for the intro):
Alexandra was innocently browsing Shopbop when she came across this tragic victim of the Great Pants Shortage of 2008:

Zoe found this awesome promo shot from Jenni Kayne's collection:

Alana reported this sighting on Perezhilton.com:
An aptly named skirt from Kirsten:

Tessa found a plethora of chochal danger zones:

I guess there's one reason to spring for an oversize clutch:
Anna spotted this "dress," which may be the most horrifying offender I have ever seen, mostly because (god, forgive me) it looks like the dress is actually tucked into her chocha:

Daddy Likey needs YOU! Send your Don't Show-cha Your Chocha sightings to daddylikeyblog@gmail.com
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