Friday, May 30, 2008

Bright is Alright

Yesterday, dear readers, your truly bravely stumbled out of her apartment on my pair of 5" neon green Alice + Olivia for Payless slingback platforms (There they are at right. I paid full price and now they're on sale - curses!). I hadn't worn them before, you see, and it stopped raining for about 10 minutes, so I eagerly slipped them on for some errand running I had to accomplish.

Everyone was staring, not only because I was 6'5" in them (no kidding!), but because the sheer retina-burning brightness of the shoes certainly stood out from the black boots and sensible brown flats that everyone else seemed to be wearing. I received compliments from a 9-year-old girl and an 80-year-old man. Kinda creepy, but flattering nonetheless.

Maybe it's because I'm a child of the eighties, but I still have a certain weakness for neon colors. Where I used to wear two neon t-shirts, though, and roll up the sleeves so that the color underneath could be seen, now I'll just accessorize with a pair of shoes or some strategically place piece of jewelry. I still think these bright colors can be fashionable and they bring back a touch of my youth, minus the legwarmers and black Reebok hightops.

If shoes are your thing (and if they aren't they should be - my goodness!), it's easy to find a brightly colored pair that's appropriate for a variety of occasions. I know I'm going to sound like your mom when I say this, but Aerosoles makes really comfortable shoes that are - yes - stylish. They're not all about those yucky elastic slip-ons anymore.

I think the pair to the left, called "Picnic" are a great pair of vibrantly colored slingback
s that are perfect for a casual Friday, a Saturday morning brunch, or a Sunday evening soirée. They come in a variety of colors, but I absolutely love this orange faux-leather option. Paired with khaki, olive green, or just basic white, they're sure to make a statement. Plus they're on sale for $59.25. Plus they come in sizes 5 1/2 through 12. Done.

If you'd rather wear your brightness on your arm, then go for R.J. Graziano's "Bright Idea" bangles, which are available from - of all places - the Home Shopping Network! I didn't even know HSN sold stuff like that. Probably it's a good thing that I don't get that station; I'd never turn it off!

Anyway, about the bangles... They're acrylic and have this translucent thing going on, which I love. I'd pair two together. I especially like the combination of purple and yellow, worn with a brown dress maybe. It sounds a little out there, but try and you'll see. With something this fabulous, you can keep the rest of the jewelry to a minimum. And at $27.95 each, they're certainly not cheap, so let them be the focus of your outfit!

Now guys, don't think I've forgotten about you. I don't recommend any neon man-jewelry, or even shoes, really. (Can neon, patent-leather tennis shoes please go away for a while? Please?) Guys have it a little easier, actually. If you want to wear neon, I say go all the way and pick up a tee or two from American Apparel's Highlighter series.

Seriously, just go for it. Throw on a pair of dark wash jeans, some Converse Jack Purcell's and you're out the door. This is especially relevant if you're looking to pick up chicks. Why? Because everyone will be asking about your shirt. I'm not in the business of giving dating advice here, dear readers, but trust me on this one. No guy in a neon tee shirt will go unnoticed for too long. On the other hand, however, if you're heading out for a job interview, it's probably best to stay away from such colors. Just sayin'...

Ahhh...I'm feeling younger already, just thinking about picking up a few neon-hued pieces for summer. I think I'll keep the bright green on my feet, though, and not around my face. That color seems best reserved for those of a deeper complexion. I, on the other hand, tend to look a little seasick. But vibrant orange, shining yellow, hot pink - these are my friends. I shall wear them well.

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jenifer said...
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