Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Don't Show-cha Your Chocha, Volume XI

During our trip to LA, my friends somehow got to talking about their favorite Daddy Likey features (OK, OK, I require my friends to talk about this at least twice a day). During this discussion I found out that Lindsay doesn't really get Inadvertently Ask Daddy Likey, Rachel and Meg love fashion-blogging animals (Meg was a zoology major, after all), and most surprisingly and/or predictably, Scott is a big fan of Don't Show-cha Your Chocha. "Whenever I see that long line of chocha pictures," he said, smiling and clapping with glee, "Aaaahhhh!!!"

For Scott, and anyone else who is clapping and saying "Aaahhhh!!!" right now, I present the latest installment of DSYC (new around these parts? wow that sounds dirty in this context, but anyway, click here for the intro):

Alexandra was innocently browsing Shopbop when she came across this tragic victim of the Great Pants Shortage of 2008:

In fifty years, this model will surely tell her grandkids about how "Back in the day, we didn't have pants or tights or leggings! We had to hold our hems down with our own hands! In the snow!"

Zoe found this awesome promo shot from Jenni Kayne's collection:

She says: The best bit of the picture I feel is the model not wearing the dress standing next to her, she reminds me of a pissed off big sister: 'god i told her not to wear anything stupid. now everyone at this party will ever associate me with the idiot who forgot her trousers. why does she ALWAYS have to show me up?'

Alana reported this sighting on

Apparently she's 90 days pants-free.

An aptly named skirt from Kirsten:

So how perfect is this? Not only is it a major fan of the fully ventilated chochular region, it's named LOLITA!!! At what angle is the model holding her lower arm so it appears that her fingertips are skimming the hemline? I think this skirt has a pole in its future.

Tessa found a plethora of chochal danger zones:

Michael Kors thinks you should pay 700 bucks to never be able to sit down.

Yet another gem from DSYC regular, Baby Phat. Does anyone else think that "Web Exclusive!" badge could serve a better purpose about an inch to the left?

This girl's not even trying. Good god.

I guess there's one reason to spring for an oversize clutch:

Says Jessica: She's got the strategic placing of her purse down...

Anna spotted this "dress," which may be the most horrifying offender I have ever seen, mostly because (god, forgive me) it looks like the dress is actually tucked into her chocha:

Right?? You were totally thinking it... Anyway, Anna has another observation:

My favorite part is her clearly visible relief when they finally allowed the poor thing to put on some leggings for the larger pics. I had fun going 'before.. after! before...after!' to myself a few times.

Daddy Likey needs YOU! Send your Don't Show-cha Your Chocha sightings to

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